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    Express Udder Hair Remover w/Straight Wand

    Suggested Retail Price:
    $241.25 / EA
    SKU: 572-5656

    The Express Udder Hair Remover provides an easy fast economical and safe alternative for removing udder hair. Express Udder Hair Remover helps reduce the spread of germs and risk of mastitis by removing unwanted udder hair; leading to faster and more thorough udder cleaning and easier teat identification for robotic milking. Unit is set-up in less than 2 minutes and hair removal is done by drawing a figure-8 pattern 4-7” below the udder for 2 – 4 seconds. The soft flame provides a sensation of warmth and is painless to the animal. Unit comes in two designs making it useful for every operation. The angled burner is ideal for stanchions and the straight burner is ideal for parlors. Units come complete with hose regulator for 14 oz. propane cylinder and flint striker. Wt. 2 lbs.